
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The #1 Question Making Your New Year's Resolution

It's that time of year again.  It's a New Year.  Again.

Time to set your goals for next year.  People go through this process every year.  Or, at least, most of us do.

Your success depends on the approach you take.  You come up with a goal.  Or, several.

You want to do this.  They want to do that.

You want to make this amount of money.  Or, lose this amount of weight.  Or, maybe both of those.  You make this list.  And, when you look at this list you ask yourself a question.

How am I going to do that?

Not a bad question.  If the goals are ambitious enough, they should make you think.  They should make you ask questions like "how am I going to do that?"

If the goals don't get you thinking like that. They are not ambitious enough.  Your goals should be attainable.  But, they need to be challenging enough to make you work for them.  They should make you ask "how am I going to do that?"

The problem with that question is that it does not invoke action. 

Action is the weapon of choice in achieving anything.


The question you need to ask is "what do I need to do?"

What describes the actions you need to take to achieve the goal you have set for yourself.

If you want to lose 20 pounds.  What do you need to do to do that?

You need to improve your diet and get on an exercise plan.  Okay, now you have answered that "what" question.  Now it is on to the next one.

What do I need to do to improve my diet?  Get rid of the processed sugar and add the fruits and vegetables.

Keep asking the "what" questions until you have an action plan. Until you have a to-do list.  

Then get to work.

"How" is a good question.  When it is used in retrospect.  As in, how did I do that?  So, after you've lost the weight and someone asks "how did you do that?"

You would tell them "what" you did.

Do you have an ambitious goal for 2017?  Are you willing to share it?

Leave a comment.  "What are you going to do?"

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