
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Done Is Better Than Perfect

Something done is good. Something perfect is really good.

Something done perfectly is great!

The real message is not that perfect is what you should strive for. Perfect can become the reason something doesn't get done.

Done is better than perfect.  Done is completion.  Done is execution.

Done is done.

Perfection is more often the reason things don't get done.

Perfection is beautiful.  Perfection is an art.  Perfection is satisfaction. Perfection is perfect.

But, if no one ever sees the beauty of perfect, it is wasted.  

Perfection should never be usurp completion.  Ever.

Many times people get so hung up on the perfecting it that they never finish it.

It doesn't matter what the it is.

If you don't get it done.  It doesn't matter.  No one sees it.  No one can be inspired by it.  No one benefits from it.

It ends up dying on the vine.  A vine no one ever sees.  No matter how close to perfection it is.

Get it done.

Put it out there.  It is only imperfect in your eyes.  Someone else may think it is a work of art.  Someone else may be inspired.

Someone else might be moved to tears.

Imperfect can still move someone.  But, only if it gets done.

Done is better than perfect.

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