
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Your Greatest Ally, Your Greatest Enemy, Your Greatest Teacher

Who is your greatest ally, your greatest enemy and your greatest teacher? They are already known to you.  In fact, you use them all the time. But, you may not use them as described in the title of this post.  If you did, you would be probably be realizing more of your potential.  

Instead, some people are using them in ways that limit their potential, limit their experiences and ultimately limit their life.

They are not some kind of new tool or new technology.  And, they are not people.  They are not a closely held secret of the successful.

They are not money.  They are more valuable than that.  

They are time.

Time is an interesting concept.  We all have the same amount of time.  It is the great equal between the successful and the unsuccessful.  Yet, we produce such unequal results.

They are really references of time that change everyday and yet stay the same.  They are perspectives of time.  

They are Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday.


Your Greatest Ally is Today.  Today is all you really have. Tomorrow is not here and Yesterday is long gone.  Since all success in anything is based on some ability to take action, Today is the only day you can do that.

If you want to make more money, lose some weight, start a project, Today is the best day to do it.  Today is the only day you can do it.  

All achievement in anything is based upon taking action.  If you take no action, you stay where you are.  And, that is okay if you are happy there.  

But, if you want to achieve more, gain more, live more, you will need to take action.  If you want to move towards your conceived idea to lose the weight, make the money, start the business, or write the book. You must do something Today.

Today is your greatest ally because this is the day you can do something.  You did Yesterday and you can't do Tomorrow until tomorrow.  And, by then, Tomorrow will be Today.  So, in the perspective of time, Today is your Greatest Ally.


Your greatest enemy is Tomorrow.  

Tomorrow looks great in a planner when you are planning.  But, it also becomes one the biggest problems when it comes to taking action which is the essence of achievement.  

Procrastinators know this all too well.  Delaying the start of a project, a diet, or kicking a bad habit is procrastination at its worst. It is very easy to commit to a plan, start a good habit or quit a bad one when the start day is Tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a comfort zone.  You can plan all kinds of things and feel good about them.  You can feel especially good about them when they don't start until Tomorrow.  But, you can't take action on them.  You can only take action Today.  And, this would lead you out of your comfort zone.

Use your Today to make a better Tomorrow.


Your greatest teacher is Yesterday.  

Yesterday can tell you how you succeeded and how you failed. Yesterday will give you insight for the actions you need to take today and the planning of your tomorrow's.  Yesterday has all the smiles, laughs and positive memories.

Yesterday has all the pain and hurt of painful endings.

Yesterday has all the accomplishment that feeds your ego with the concept that not only can you do it.  But, that you did do it!

Yesterday tells you how you messed up.

Yesterday holds the moments that made the great friendships you enjoy today. Yesterday has the lessons you learned from relationships you should not have made.

Yesterday is a teacher if you listen to it.  Yesterday can tell you how to avoid the pitfall and take advantage of opportunity.  Yesterday teaches how to recognize the pitfalls and opportunities.

But, only if you listen.

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